
US Army Recruiting - Times Square

On the morning of March 6, 2008, an unknown individual placed a small bomb in front of a United States Armed Forces recruiting station in Times Square, located in Midtown Manhattan in New York City. There were no injuries. A security camera shows the bomber riding a bicycle as he approaches the station, dismounting the bike and planting the bomb, and then speeding off shortly before the blast. New York City police has yet to identify the bomber. Because of their similarities, investigators have suggested the bombing may be linked to two prior and one subsequent New York City bombings done in front of the Mexican Consulate in 2007, the British Consulate in 2005 and an Upper East Side Starbucks in 2009; however, upon the arrest of a suspect police now believe the Starbucks blast to be unrelated. A letter sent to Congress with the words 'we did it' was originally thought to be connected to the bombing, but ended up being completely unrelated to the incident. Investigators also initially suspected the bombing may be related to an incident on the Canada–United States border in February 2008. Pictures of Times Square and anarchist-type material were found in a car that was randomly stopped by the police.

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